Model and activist Rain Dove on HB2, Trans/Gender Rights, and The Future

I first saw Rain Dove’s PSA video protesting the HB2 bill in North Carolina on my Facebook feed in passing. I clicked on it because I hadn’t seen anyone do a PSA about the issue and was surprised to see that Rain at some point went to North Carolina for this project. Her choice of tone was so innocent and refreshing I immediately wanted to know more about her process with making the video and her activist views in general. She has made great strides and raised awareness about gender equality and transgender rights to millions by taking a trip to NC, meeting legislators and making a video on her own volition. I took this opportunity to interview Rain to learn more about transgender and gender rights and what is at stake if we don’t continue to fight and teach a culture of acceptance and understanding in this society. We also delved into the current presidential run and how effectively each candidate could support the issue. Meet a member of your radical community: Rain Dove Dubilewski.

Photography by Nikola Tamindzic

This is Ridiculous? So is HB2.

PLEASE SHARE! This can save lives! DISCOVERY! HB2 IS NO LONGER VALID OR ENFORCEABLE! As of TODAY this minute- this very second that you read this the discriminatory "bathroom" part of the bill cant be upheld! Heres why North Carolina's HB2 Law is NOT VALID. (Also enjoy the funny video!)In the state of North Carolina there is no statute that requires any individual to give their ID when confronted by police. This means you may (without any punishment) refuse to give your name, ID, annnnnd birth certificate to any law enforcement officer there and its your right to refuse.The only circumstance that would allow for an officer to be able to take your birth certificate or ID force fully (whether you like it or not) would be if you are driving a vehicle or REASONABLY SUSPICIOUS of committing a crime.In order to be reasonably suspicious of committing this crime- law enforcement officers must believe you are not the "RIGHT SEX" for the restroom you are in solely by looking at you. This is called PROFILING. In 2014 Eric Holder BANNED Racial, Religious, and Gender profiling in the United States for Federal Officers as a technique to determine "potential guilt". Its called "Gender" Profiling and not "Sex" Profiling because Sex refers to your sexual organs and/or birth certificate status. Gender refers to "the state of being" aka your energy, aesthetics, clothing, voice, hair style- the you that is you you. "Gender Profiling" was banned because it was deemed just as inaccurate as Racially profiling citizens for "Hispanic Looking" individuals to look for "Illegal immigrants". its also as ina accurate as Religiously profiling "Middle Eastern Looking" individuals at teh airport to assume that that are Muslim and and further assume that they will blow up a plane. You can The fact is- there is no LEGAL definition of what a persona with "female" on their birth certificate looks like. Or to dumb it down and I say this with a grain of salt my PC friends- theres no legal definition of what a "Woman" looks like. Or a "Man". Or a human really. Theres no wrong way to "look" like one. Sure there may be a common aesthetic handed out to us by mainstream movies and advertisements that tell us what an "attractive" person of a sex looks like. But thats not reality. Reality is DIVERSITY.Shucks but wait theres got to be a way to tell! Nope…A person with "Female" on their birth certificate may look like:BREASTS (varying in size and shape) or NO BREASTS (people who have had bilateral mastectomies with choice not to reconstruct such as breast cancer survivors, transgender individuals, and individuals who have experienced certain illnesses.)LONG HAIR (oh hey there) SHORT (I know shocking as it might be this has been a thing where the entire human race has had varying lengths of hair all over the world for different reasons. Hold onto your knickers.)"LESS MUSCLE TONE" annnnd "RIPPED MUSCLE TONE LIKE YOU WOLDNT BELIEVE" (Its called being an athelete people!)NO FACIAL HAIR (silky smooth) annnd FACIAL HAIR (It is not uncommon for any human to have facial hair and many humans who have "Female" on their birth certificate may have facial hair from simply body hormones including full beards which are glorious. Trans gender individuals may also have facial hair if they have begun hormone therapy but have not had their birth certificate status changed.)AVERAGE AND SHORT oh and also TALL (Im 6'2 yo! Studies suggest the human race overall is growing taller every generation- so this little size diversity thing is going to continue to be on the menu.)CLOTHING- Im not even going to address this. We both know its 2016 and a dress is just as appropriate as a pair of baggy jeans and a collared shirt. Same with MAKEUP uh its for all humans and on top of that many humans dont wear makeup and do just fine.NO SEXUAL STARES (because only "men would prey on women) … SEXUAL STARES (do you know how many ladies have given another lady "the eye" in the restroom? Attraction is real people. I cant say I havent checked a lady out while Im in there a time or two.VAGINA (Id like to see how you can just see someones vagina randomly without them pulling their pants down- which an officer cant do legally- but lets pretend they flashed you by accident) they could still be "Female" on their birth certificate if they have a PENIS. (There are individuals born with "ambiguous genitalia" who may be labeled "female" on their birth certificate. Ther are individuals who are intersex. There are trans individuals who have undergone "bottom surgery" and may have an amazing 8 incher just hanging about and being pretty- yet their birth certificate has not been changed or they dont intend on changing it and its attributed to being part of their body.)Because of this diversity in expression and the fact that there is no legal definition of what a birth certificate stated "FEMALE" LOOKS like (or a MALE) there can be no "REASONABLE" SUSPICION that anyone is MALE or FEMALE on their birth certificate.Without REASONABLE SUSPICION as it states in the FOURTH AMENDMENT on our Constitution (Which North Carolina must adhere to since they have no state Statute on mandatory relinquishing of your license or ID upon request) "The right of the people to be secure in their persons,houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches andseizures, shall not be violated; and no Warrants shall issue butupon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, andparticularly describing the place to be searched, and the personsor things to be seized." SO BASICALLY THEY CAN NOT TAKE YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATES THEREFORE THEY CAN NOT KICK YOU OUT OF THE RESTROOM OR ARREST YOU. THIS PORTION OF THE BILL IS INVALID. Thank you Forefathers.(I want to credit the legal team and the tons of individuals who worked with me literally 24/7 on this project and helped to discover this fact and make this video. Together as of TODAY this bill is no longer enforceable. And ANY person who is violated under the "bathroom portion" of the law should sue the CRAP out of the state or city. Im a peaceful person but PROTECT YOURSELVES. Take this note into the bathroom and read it to an officer. KNOW YOUR FOURTH AMMENDMENT RIGHTS and PROTECT YOURSELF.)

Posted by Rain Dove on Wednesday, April 27, 2016

“Just coming into the world when the human species is still trying to sort itself out – every moment of unapologetic existence is a form of activism.”

Rain Dove

When did you first begin getting involved in politics and activism?

Accidentally – it happened at birth. Just coming into the world when the human species is still trying to sort itself out – every moment of unapologetic existence is a form of activism. My first big intentional step towards politics though came when I was in High School. I attended a private school and was one of the poorer students there. I spent my final year of High School intentionally homeless to document how homelessness affected my academics. I had hoped to prove that extreme poverty wouldn’t affect your intelligence – but to my dismay it was the opposite. My grades plummeted despite my strongest efforts. In the end, the mini documentary I did was still worth it and fueled a fire to create more similar art.

When did transgender and gender rights become an issue of activism for you?

I’d never thought of transgender and gender rights being a large platform for me. I knew I wasn’t a typical representation of what we are taught “female” looks like in society. However, I always assumed I would focus on other issues such as Water, Food, Physical Safety, Shelter, the Environment. I always did what I wanted and found ways to navigate sexist obstacles without feeling victimized. I had been pepper sprayed and tased by those who thought I was in the wrong restroom, but I’d always just shaken it off and kept going. Walking down the streets many people would catcall me or follow me for blocks aggressively if I wore a dress because they thought I was transgender. Until I started modeling. That’s when I realized how much physical harm came to those who didn’t fit the mold. People began to send messages about attempted suicides, photos of the aftermath of bullies, stories of their history with the world’s abuses. I began to do research into laws and cultural expectations. It wasn’t long before it was clear that this would be a part of my fire.

Previously in the press you have called yourself a “gender capitalist”. Do you feel that’s essentially rooted in feminism? Would you call yourself a feminist as well or do you think the term needs expansion?

Gender Capitalism is both Feminist and Masculinist. Its everythingist. It’s the recognition that I, as an organism, am treated differently based on my perceived genitalia and the identity surrounding that relationship.

Tell us about the HB2 bill in North Carolina.

HB2 is a law that requires individuals to use the restrooms that correspond with the sex stated on their birth certificates. It also takes away the rights for local governments to create protections laws, raise the minimum wage above what the state has decided is appropriate, and many other things. The bathroom section of HB2 has been widely criticized because of how immediately it puts its citizens in literally physical and psychological danger.

We’ve already seen the problematic effects that can happen with HB2 as seen in this video of a lesbian female being taken out of a women’s bathroom by police. To what extent do you think this bill will affect politics and the mental health of society at large if it is not overturned?

The issue of this bill is that in order for it to be enforced one must Gender profile. This can cause depression and anxiety because what it essentially is doing is requiring someone to determine if another person “looks like the wrong sex” for the restroom that they are in. How can someone “look the wrong sex”? A set of general criteria of what a “female” or a “male” looks like must be set. For any human asked if they are the right sex for the restroom by an officer or a person seeking to enforce this law it can cause a feeling of ugliness. Alienation. Defeat. This can happen to any human that doesn’t fit that criteria – not just trans individuals. For example a “female” who has had a bilateral mastectomy with choice not to reconstruct their breasts due to breast cancer. Who may also have short hair from experiencing treatment. If breasts and hair length are indicative of what makes someone “female” then a person who has worked so hard to own their bodies will be subjected to further abuse as they would be “suspicious of not looking female” when out in public. This creates bathroom anxiety and a potential that they may never recover their sense of self love and beauty.

Unisex bathrooms exist in some restaurants, hotel lobbies and nightclubs. I’ve personally never experienced an issue at any venues that houses them. What do you think stops society from just having unisex bathrooms?

I think that many facilities can’t afford for all restrooms to be single occupancy. And they can’t afford to hire an attendant to monitor them. They need to be able to have high occupancy restrooms and although there may be several stalls in a single multiple occupancy restroom, without someone to stand as a monitor/itness many places fear a lawsuit should anyone sexually harass another person using the restroom. Its a measure of practicality for them – even though creepers are gonna creep no matter what the door sign says.

The second thing that stops society is education. The education of our generations to learn how to control their sexual urges, commentary, and respect the natural functions of their bodies. The education that allows for awareness that no one is predisposed to violence just because they are born with specific genitalia. The education that demystifies the human body in a way that does include religious influence. Education is key!

When I began volunteering as a grassroots organizer for the Bernie Sanders campaign, I found myself feeling propelled to do a lot of activism myself with no relevant political experience but with a passion to learn and a realization that I could make positive change with very few resources. It’s an empowering feeling and I hope that others feel they can make impactful changes at anytime if want. Your response to HB2 with your PSA and meeting with the North Carolina seems very DIY and self motivated. Can you tell me more about the process with that initiative?

I simply try to tackle things in a way that will be palatable to even the opposition. Every person should feel welcomed to receive education and information. Every person should have a chance to change their minds. By using humor instead of a more serious or even combative tone I hope that the message can reach more people without them shutting down. We can’t hate – we’ve gotta educate.

I found your approach to the PSA very enlightening and refreshing. There’s was an innocence and sweetness to the video that still made a strong point, while potentially inviting a new audience along the way. Your video has gone viral with over 1 million views, so we know the message is out there. What made you choose that tone with the PSA?

Well first of all – blush! Second of all I ended up choosing humor as the route to go with because of an experience with North Carolina Senator Paul Lowe Jr. They were one of the senators who walked out on HB2 – and during our conversation we discovered that they didn’t even know the difference between “sex” and “gender.” When we asked why it turns out that the Senator – although a big supporter of LGBT rights – didn’t know much about the LGBT community it was because they felt a lot of anger and pressure from local organization to “just already know.” The Senator expressed how difficult things were to learn about the very community he had an agenda to support simply because of the way people approached him about issues. This drove us to start the hashtag #educatedonthate in which we highlight issues with a sense of humor or love so as to be inviting for even those who oppose our viewpoints.

What makes you angry?

Not many things make me angry. I find emotions quite a luxury and a part of my connection to what makes me – me. However, I do get quite a boiling in my blood when there are intentional senseless acts of violence and selfishness committed – and those that committed them are educated about what they are doing when they did them. To see another person gain pleasure or reward from these actions really upsets me.

What advice would you give to other who want to organize for political causes but are not sure where to start?

I would tell them to start with themselves. Make sure you are well educated about the opposition to your cause. That you researched and understand what you are standing for. Reach out to a group who supports similar ideals or causes and create a dialogue. Then get active! The key is just to ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING. We can not simply change our profile picture on social media and expect that that simple stand is truly going to shake down the walls of that which we stand against. We have to get our boots on the ground and take action. Peaceful action – violence is never the answer.

Also, understand your local laws and permit needs before planning a protest. A protest can be done alone, but I would highly recommend always having someone with you who can at the very least witness your stand for legal reasons.

Go make the world a more beautiful place.

In light of our current presidential election, how do you you view each of the front runners and how they can contribute to or hinder LGBT rights and gender equality?

I have had it written in the Huffington post before: I believe Trump is just fronting for Hillary Clinton to destabilize the republican party and help secure her place in the White House. I believe that while Hillary Clinton may have some corruption during her presidency, she likely will only be so in the ways of war, health care, and moderate internal affairs. As far as gender and lgbt rights – I believe she will keep much of the same cabinet and course as the Obama administrations – as she has said several times. As for Bernie Sanders, what a dream if he could win. What a goal. I really believe that Bernie would do much to unite the people of this country and reignite the fire of “the power of a single person.” I don’t believe that LGBT rights would be the front facing thing Bernie would fight for while president, but I also think that Bernie would’ve come down faster, sooner, and harder on North Carolina if he were our current president.

Do you see yourself having a future in politics and if so, what role do you see yourself having?

I think we all have a role in politics! But I see my future role specifically as an educational one. I hope that I can continue to take on big issues such as this as well as environmental, animal, basic needs rights – and shine a bright comic light on them to allow for people to better understand what is happening within all that legal jargon. I want people to feel inspired to get up and BE the change, DO something GET involved. And to smile while they do it – because the future is bright.

How do you see the future of gender equality?

I believe in a future where there is no gender. There is only you and your “youness.” The most unique way to possibly be with expectations or limitations on self expression as long as it is peaceful.

Obama Admin just released a statement that transgender people should be allowed to use the restroom of their choice. How do you feel about this statement. Is the fight over?

It’s a great step to see the presidential administrations sending out a letter that gives guidelines for schools to allow trans individuals to use the restroom they feel comfortable with. However, it’s important to note that just because the note comes from the presidential administration – it is no more than a note. It isn’t law. It isn’t stating that discrimination is a criminal act. Its simply SUGGESTING that schools use this policy or face potentially losing federal funding. While this is a great step in the right direction, because this isn’t law it could lead to some instances of extreme behavior as schools will NOT have to comply with these standards and may enforce them more harshly than before to make a statement of defiance. This also opens the door for school officials to essentially bully trans individuals into silence to avoid losing federal funding over complaints of unfair treatment.

Private institutions will not be afraid of this “suggestion.” Religious institutions will not be afraid of this “suggestion.” Conservative institutions will not be afraid of this “suggestion.” We need more than a suggestion. We need a protections LAW with real consequences.


Candice Fortin
Candice Fortin Author

Candice is a Grassroots Organizer and Arts Incubator based in NYC. Recently, she's traveled the country volunteering for the Bernie Sanders campaign. Her other grassroots work has been centered around issues such as homelessness, racial injustice, immigration rights, and clean energy. Previously, Candice has worked a producer and curator in film, photography, and music events.

Posture Media

Posture Magazine (no longer active) is an independent magazine that champions women, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ creators and entrepreneurs. You can now find the founding team at Posture Media.