Ashley Kolodner | Photographer
Portraits of Ashley by Taylor Ballantyne

Ashley Kolodner is an artist and activist living in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY. She was born in Washingington, D.C. and graduated with a BA in commercial photography from the Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, CA. After graduating, Ashley traveled the U.S. living in Los Angeles, San Diego, and Washington before settling in Brooklyn. Her experience with and love for other mediums such as ceramics, sculpture, painting, and glass blowing, have all informed her unique style of photography. Currently Ashley is working on a large photographic project called GayFace: 1st Class that is discussed in further detail below.
GayFace: 1st Class is an on-going collection of photographs taken by Ashley Kolodner where the subject is shot with eyes closed and then again with eyes open. Two of the most revealing images are chosen and presented side-by-side to be added to the extensive collection. After the photographs have been taken, the subject then participates in a short interview stating their name and describing how he or she personally identifies, if applicable. The goal of the project is to break the barriers that the LGBTQ community faces and give people the power to speak their truth. Ashley demonstrates how there is no black or white to identity and sexuality by showing so many people from all kinds of backgrounds. And, by empowering all of her subjects, Ashley has inspired people to be confident in themselves. This project has produced a massive support system through which all people can feel involved and represented. She is working to unify others through the celebration of sex, freedom of identity, freedom of association, and culture.

Ashley’s awareness started very early on when her sister, Meredith Kolodner, would often take her to protests. Wanting to be more than just a bystander in the growing movement for acceptance and equality, Ashley provokes change in the community through visual culture. GayFace slowly began in 2011 when Ashley photographed two of her best friends, but really kicked off when her father sent her a link to a gay portraits coffee table book that he said reminded him of her project. This sparked her motivation to take her idea to the next level and she has hit the ground running ever since. Her goal is to photograph between 1,500 – 2,000 humans. Her work will also be contributed to book projects, street art, and gallery exhibitions.

For those of you interested in starting a huge project of your own, Ashley offers some advice:
“ If you have an idea and in your gut you truly believe that it will happen, you have to hit the ground running and not look back. I also think that the key is to believe that with or without help you will find a way to make it happen. It is great to find a few humans who also truly believe in what you’re doing – if not only for the help but also for the motivation. Sometimes you might question if what you’re doing is worth it and does it even matter. I personally have found the idea of taking on such a huge project scary, but also one of the most liberating and exciting things. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help or advice in any way, all you have is yourself and no one will pitch your project for you. If you believe and you work hard you can see it take flight.”
Ashley will be going on tour of the U.S. to keep shooting, and her next photo opportunities will take place in California on the following days if you are interested in participating:
1. 758 2nd Avenue, San Francisco, CA, 94118
June 9th | 2-5pm
2. 138 North Beaudry Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, 90012
June 22nd | 2-5pm
‘Like’ GayFace on Facebook to stay up-to-date on her progress or to get involved.