Bubi Canal is a Brooklyn-based object and video artist. His work has been exhibited in New York City and beyond, most recently at Munch Gallery in NYC and Del Sol St Art Gallery in Santander. His work is often described as fantastical and transports the viewer to an alternative reality in which magic reigns and emotional exploration is encouraged.
Featured image by Lillan Munch
“I feel complete when I do a video as I can incorporate choreography, costumes, music, objects and locations.”
To me your pieces read as childlike in aesthetic with the use of geometry and primary colors, but the work itself feels serious. Your facial expressions and demeanor in your photographs are often stoic, and some of your video work too evokes a quiet sense of deliberation. Is this purposeful?
Most of the time, I use recycled vintage toys for form and color. While working, I don’t think of them as toys—they are simply materials. I want to be open to surprises, so I try not to overthink or calculate too much when creating. This is what is most exciting to me about the process.

How would you describe the difference between the vision of a child and an adult? Which one are you hoping to capture with the reference of surrealism?
I think a child’s vision is more pure and without prejudice than an adult’s. I would like my work to be enjoyed by all.
Was there a specific instance in your past that inspired you to build your own magical world?
Since I was a child, my parents allowed me to create my own world. They would let me do what I felt in my heart. I was always doing things at home…drawing on the walls of my house, working with clay, taking photos with my friends and making costumes. I grew up with a lot of freedom.
Do you have a particular project that has resonated with you the most?
All of my projects reflect a part of my life and what I was feeling at the time. My work changes as I change. I don’t keep a journal…my work is my diary.
Have you noticed a difference in the way our work has been received in New York vs. Europe?
I feel so happy people from the United States and especially New York have connected with my work. I have been consuming American culture since I was a kid. My heart was always here in some way.
My experience has been that people here are open to new art and artists.
You work in multiple mediums: video, photo, sculpture, performance, fashion, and graphic design. Do you direct all of those art forms, or do you generally work in collaborations? Did you learn these skills in your studies or from personal exploration?
Most of the time I do everything by myself, but I also collaborate with other artists. My friends are always involved in my projects. When I was a student, I had to do much drawing and painting. When I finally got subjects for photography or video I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I feel complete when I do a video as I can incorporate choreography, costumes, music, objects and locations.
What’s next?
To continue exploring, growing and never losing a sense of wonder.