Bice knew he wanted to become a model ever since he was a child. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, he grew up with alopecia, an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss from some or all areas of the body. This made him feel different and strange, but when photographers started to show an interest in shooting him, he realized he may have potential as a model. He decided to move to NYC and pursue modeling as a career and use the platform to bring awareness to all different kinds of beauty.
“Don’t ever do anything you’re not comfortable with. No matter how awkward it gets, stand up for yourself from the beginning.”

Is there a difference between your personal identity and the one you portray to the world?
Yes, I’m almost two completely people when it comes to my personal life and my social life.
If you could change one thing about the modeling industry, what would it be?
I could go on for quite a bit, but my own personal struggle with modeling has been my height. I’m 5’9 and it is difficult for me to get agencies to even look at me and next to impossible to book anything for runway.

Does being looked at constantly make you feel vulnerable?
Not really. I’ve different my entire life so I’m use to being looked at constantly. It’s everyday life for me.
When you’re facing rough times, how do you stay focused and positive?
I don’t really. I have my own personal struggle with mental health that makes life extremely difficult at times. Sometimes I can go days just staying in bed with zero motivation in sight. I just try to keep hope for the good days I have as well.

What are some favorite jobs or collaborations you have done thus far?
When it comes to modeling, every shoot is unique and valuable in its own way.
What are your goals for 2017 and beyond?
My goals for this year and the years to come are to work on building myself up. 2016 was not an easy year for me. I had a lot of bad days. I worked a dead end job for a boss who I couldn’t please. I lost my aunt who was my biggest fan and a pillar in our family. So this year is about getting my life back.

What is the most important piece of advice you could give to an aspiring model?
Don’t ever do anything you’re not comfortable with. No matter how awkward it gets, stand up for yourself from the beginning. Never sign anything without reading it first. Most of all make sure you are comfortable in your skin. You will constantly be judged so you need to be able to keep your head up and spirit strong. Make sure you love who you are.

Follow Bice on Instagram
Editorial Credits:
Photography: Mike Ruiz
Styling and Art Direction: Phil Gomez
Makeup: Deney Adam
Hair: Joshua Nyitray
Posture’s third print issue — The Boss Issue — is now available for purchase. This 168-page magazine features exclusive interviews with artists, theorists, activists, and nightlife icons. The conversations dive deep into ideas of leadership, success, and organizing in queer/trans/non-binary and WOC communities. This issue also represents a new design direction for Posture, one that reflects the mission and purpose of the publication.
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