Why We Launched a Membership Program

My hope is that beginning our very own membership community can help keep it in the family and that we can grow by supporting one another.

A couple months ago, the Posture team decided it was time to do a check-in with you all so we released our 2017 survey. One commonality we discovered from your responses was that folks have a hard time meeting potential collaborators outside of the nightlife scene, and are often researching ways to grow and develop professionally. In response to this feedback, we launched a membership program in an effort to develop a living, active Posture community comprised of like-minded people working within the realms of art and fashion. While we will still host parties, this new program will allow us to shift priorities to focus on events for members that foster idea/skillshare, networking, and education. We will continue to release a print magazine annually and publish content online for free that puts the spotlight on emerging talent and critical issues. We have also switched over our “Posture Events” Facebook group to the “Posture Creative Network” which is a free resource for people looking for collaborators and talent. We do hope to be able to one day in the near future create a forum outside of Facebook. We’re considering this a stepping stone.

Since Posture’s launch back in 2013, our mission has always been to support emerging creators and entrepreneurs with priority given to those who are underrepresented (or tokenized) by mainstream media and industries across the board. Brands, entities, and corporations continually steal concepts from queer and poc communities without due credit, and I wanted to start Posture — not out of charity — but to acknowledge that these communities drive culture forward and are at the forefront of innovation and societal progress. My hope is that beginning our very own membership community can help keep it in the family and that we can grow by supporting one another. Great things happen when amazing people from different walks of life come together in the same space.

Your support will help this program grow and move forward. Please consider becoming a member today for only $45/year. Learn more here and sign up! 


Winter Mendelson
Winter Mendelson Editor in Chief

Winter is the Founder and CEO of Posture Media (they/them).

Posture Media

Posture Magazine (no longer active) is an independent magazine that champions women, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ creators and entrepreneurs. You can now find the founding team at Posture Media.