Author | Christiane Nickel | Fashion Editor

In the latest issue of People Magazine, they featured profiles of intriguing and attractive singles. We are excited because one of our favorite queer women, Nicole Pearson, was spotlighted in this recent feature titled the “Sexiest Singles Alive.” Interested in her experience with online dating I decided to ask her some personal questions and she was kind enough to replay her opinions.
Tell me a little about your involvement with People Magazine, how did they approach you and how did it evolve?
Actually the opportunity was presented to me by the marketing team at They emailed me and asked if they could speak with me about an opportunity to participate in a story about popular online daters. I didn’t find out it was for People Magazine until after the initial interviews with Match. Ironically, I had only been on Match for a few months so it was a complete surprise that they would ask me.
How long have you been on Match? Do you like the site? How does it compare to Ok Cupid?
I just joined Match in February of this year and it’s been an interesting experience. Most of my friends have tried the online thing and had been encouraging me to do it if for no other reason than to expand my social circles and meet new people, especially because I just moved to the city last year. is my first go at online dating so I haven’t tried Ok Cupid, though many of my friends have.
My experiences with the site have been positive so far. I find the whole “wink” option interesting – I get a lot of them and I always wonder if it’s the equivalent of someone dipping their toe in the water to see if you respond. I tend to be more direct and if I see someone of interest, I’ll email them. I have met some really nice people but no love (or “like”) connections yet!
What would you consider markers of a “good” profile?
The profiles I find most compelling are those where the responses truly reflect their personality. Whether that’s being humorous or witty or creative, I like when that comes through in their writing.
What would you consider markers of a “bad” profile?
Not having a picture is probably the number one deterrent for me. Physical appearance certainly isn’t everything, there’s so much more to attraction for me, but I do think a picture is important. Also, I like when women share more about themselves as opposed to a laundry list of things they want/don’t want in a partner. It is of course, important to know you want and to be clear on that but sometimes too many requirements feels like overkill to me.
How has the reaction been thus far since this feature?
The issue just came out in print yesterday so status quo as of now. I guess we’ll see if that changes once my username gets out there!
We were told to be prepared to be contacted by other media outlets as I think is promoting the issue so we shall see if that happens!
Generally speaking are you really into social media?
I’m probably like a lot of people in that I have a love/hate relationship with social media. The instant access to so much information is amazing on one hand but can also be so distracting and frankly, exhausting. It’s fascinating to me how much social media has changed human behavior these past few years. Between Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc., we end up having these very personal views into other peoples’ lives. We see what they eat, read, and do on a daily basis. But in reality, we are removed from actual human connection. So there are times when I feel like I get social media and texting “fatigue” and need to disconnect from my phone, email and computer and just go be out in the world. I’m realistic about how much one can learn about someone from an online dating profile or Facebook page. That’s why, if I’m interested in someone I see online, I won’t spend a lot of time going back and forth on email but will suggest we meet. To me, true connections happen in person so I tend to move “offline” pretty quickly.
Who is on your list of sexiest queers/women/gay men alive?
Good question! “Sexy” to me transcends physical appearance. I appreciate crazy smart and creative people who have talents I could only dream of. And those who are out and active in our community. So I guess a few notable people on my list would include Brandi Carlile, Kaki King, Rachel Maddow, Maria Bello, Alan Cumming, A.M. Homes. And then there are a few local artist friends who are tremendously talented and also deserve recognition like photographer, Francesca Galliani (photographer) and painter, Michel Bellici (who you interviewed previously!). The others that top my list know who they are 🙂