The Gender Book: Get your copy now!

Created by Mel Reiff Hill, Jay Mays, and Robin Mack 

The GENDER book is a colorful visual primer on the world of gender. It’s a 90-page, fully-illustrated, educational book that teaches – and unteaches – some of the basics of gender theory in a way that is super fun, non-judgy, and full of COLOR. It’s a handsome hardback book that you can sit and read in one sitting.”


There are 29 days left to donate to their IndieGogo Campaign. The month of December is the only time you can pre-order, so order now and receive your book in the Spring!


What are the benefits?

– Use this book as a resource for therapists and other health professionals, as well as in classrooms and organizations.

– Use this book to help you or someone you know come out to family and friends.

– This book can change the world for gender minorities, one opened mind at a time.

Check out their IndieGogo campaign today and support this wonderful project.



Posture Media
Posture Media

Posture Magazine (no longer active) is an independent magazine that champions women, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ creators and entrepreneurs. You can now find the founding team at Posture Media.